Top Spring Cleaning Tips
Feb - - Cleaning

Top 5 Spring Cleaning Tips for a Spotless Home

With the winter season gone, it’s time to make significant changes for this new year. For this reason, today we’ll show you some awesome spring cleaning tips that’ll grant your place a complete transformation!

Spring cleaning can bring all sorts of benefits to you and your life. Not only can it grant you a healthy and positive environment, but also it can help you find any lost items as well! Last but not least, spring cleaning can help you get rid of any junk there is in your home.

For these and many more reasons, today, we’ll teach you some fantastic hacks that’ll leave your home spotless clean!

Follow These Easy Spring Cleaning Tips for a Pristine Home

Start Your Cleaning by Making a Schedule

Scheduling or Planning Spring Cleaning

Many times when performing our cleaning during the springtime, we are often stuck in a rut to when it comes to time. That’s why it’s so essential to create a schedule. By planning your spring cleaning, you can prioritize which rooms need more work than others.

Also, when doing the schedule, keep in mind the time you’ll take doing a specific task. When knowing how much time you’ll need for each chore, you can start off by setting a timer before beginning. This will help you not to lose track of time while at the same time giving you a challenge. 

Making a schedule can even help you out in doing your spring cleaning in a day! Although it’s a task that’ll be difficult to tackle, it’s not impossible. As long as you know your priorities and are strict with the plan, then you’re good to go!

When to Start Spring Cleaning?

Believe it or not, this is a common question among homeowners. Usually, a spring clean up is done between January and April. It’s up to you when you want to do the cleaning since there is no rule for when to start. However, people usually start in late March and early April. 

Keep in mind that there are also vital signs that tell you that it’s probably time to kick-off the cleaning. Some of these are:

  • The kitchen floor starts to have a weird texture.
  • Empty containers (bottles, bags, cans, etc.) are starting to bulk up in your home.
  • Windows are beginning to dust, giving them a powdery look.
  • You count on numerous blown light bulbs.

Declutter and Tidy Up Your Home

Decluttering and Tidying Up Home

It’s quite common to have junk in our homes. As a matter of fact, no home is “junk-free.” Junk, however, causes clutter and mess. And several studies demonstrate that mess can make us feel anxious and overwhelmed.

For this reason, it’s vital to get rid of any mess in your home. Not only will you relieve stress by tidying up your house, but also you’ll get to have extra space as well!

You can start decluttering your home with the living room, and then slowly make your way to the dining room and the kitchen. It’s always best to leave the bathrooms and bedrooms last since these are the areas in which we accumulate most junk. 

When tidying up your home, you can do the four-box method for decluttering. You get yourself four boxes and label each of them with these categories: trash, give away, keep, and relocate. Just as each of these labels states, you’ll take each item you consider “junk” and place it on the box you think it fits best.

Last but not least, keep in mind to NOT skip anything. No matter how insignificant you consider an item, if you do decide to skip it, you’ll always end up with junk in your home.

Try to Keep Cleaning Products to the Least

Organic and Natural Cleaning Products

It’s a common mistake to make cleaning products pile up during our cleaning. That’s why when it comes to spring cleaning tips, we highly suggest keeping your cleaning products to a minimum. 

One way you can do this is by using common products that you already count on in your home! For instance, one of the most popular options among natural cleaners is white vinegar. Other products include:

  • Microfiber cloths
  • All-purpose cleaners
  • Baking soda
  • Dish soap
  • Lemons
  • Natural salt

By using this type of product, not only will you be saving a lot of money, but you’ll also be protecting the environment as well. In other words, you’ll be doing green cleaning!

Do Your Cleaning Room by Room

Room-by-Room Cleaning

When it comes to efficiency, cleaning your house room-by-room is the best thing you could do. By following this method, you can ensure a deep clean on the areas that it’s needed. 

You can use spring cleaning checklists to help you out during the process. That way, you can be sure that you don’t forget or miss out on anything during your cleaning. 

Additionally, you would like to include ALL the rooms in your house. This consists of the basement, laundry room, and attic as well! 

A Good Rule of Thumb is to Clean from Top to Bottom

Top to Bottom Spring Cleaning Tips

Continuing with our spring cleaning hacks, one of the golden rules in cleaning is to ALWAYS clean from top to bottom. This helps you avoid going through the trouble of cleaning any re-dusting that might occur.

Also, cleaning from top to bottom will aid you in the process of getting rid of any cobwebs and dust that your ceiling and fans might have. After dusting these correctly, you can then start cleaning your furniture. Finally, you can now begin to vacuuming the floor to dispose of dust and debris.

Start Your Spring Cleaning Today with These Amazing Hacks!

Now that you know the essential spring cleaning tips and tricks, you’re ready to go and start cleaning your home today! 

Before we leave, we’d like to give you a bonus tip for when it comes to cleaning: make it a habit! Although it might seem like a burden, this will help you save a lot of time in the long run. With just a 15-minute clean up every other day, you’ll be able to keep your home tidy and clean all year long!

Lastly, whenever you need professional clean-up services, feel free to contact professionals! They’ll take care of the job without any problem!

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